I am apparently very bad at completing plans. Here's the update.
1. Do all of my daily things-well I did do most, I started out stretching and exercising every day only to have my joints complain-a lot. So I had to stop.
2. Do all the 15's- I managed to get most of the way through the 1980's indexing photos. This could take all year!
3. Put away Christmas! This one I DID!
4. Deep clean the house. This is the culprit for nothing else getting done! I'm sure I've cleaned this house in the past but I can't remember when and it is taking FOREVER! The main floor is finished and I am currently STUCK in my office~ I think only a day or two more. Then I have the quest room, upstairs bath and hall. Maybe I'll be finished by Friday? Wait! I forgot about the studio and storage room! Maybe next week. This was also part of the problem with exercise-Dragging around furniture and climbing up and down ladders and step stools is hard on the joints!
5. Finish trimming the stairs-nope, too cold to work in the garage. What was I thinking?
6. Design gardens and order seeds and plants. The design has been done for a while and I have made a pretty deep dive into a seed catalog.
7. Read one non-fiction book a week. NOPE. Haven't even finished one I was reading last year.
8 and 9 where on hold due to 30% positivity rates and I didn't even think about doing them.
10. Plan the travel for 2022-only in general terms.
11. Doll house. I looked at windows and doors on line but haven't ordered any. I'm having a hard time deciding on the look I want.
12. Quilting. Hum, well. Paper Dolls is nearly quilted (maybe) which will be finished tonight, then bound etc. I am concerned that the blocks will need some more quilting to lay flat. Any additional quilting would have to be by hand (big stitch, I think) which would delay that finish. I'll show you tomorrow~ I think I need input. Tumbler Confetti is slowly moving along. I haven't touched Trail Mix.
13. Knitting~ What's that?
14. Stitching~ Cross Stitch I have done some work on the Santa's sleigh and picked out ornaments. No Embroidery has been begun.
I know I did a lot of work this month but it doesn't show on paper! Deep cleaning is a time thief!