
Monday, September 19, 2022

Still no stitching

but I am doing a few things and  adding more every day.

I've only been in the studio maybe twice in the past two weeks and I didn't sew then.

I just let go of all the "should dos" and adjusted my sleep habits a bit.

The past few nights I've managed at least 6 hours of sleep!  That doesn't seem like enough but last Thursday I didn't sleep at all so I'm happy with 6.  I have re-arranged my sleep habits some.  It's really easy when you live alone to skip the routines.  I mean you can get up when you want, eat what and when you want, go to bed when you want and read(or play around on YouTube) until the wee hours of the morning-sounds good doesn't it.  The downside is that sleep is erratic.  I always have trouble with sleeping in the summer-it stays hot here even after dark!  I really need it cool to sleep.  Anyway, I'm no longer reading (or YouTubing) after I get in bed- I hate giving this up but my brain stays busy for ever!  Added back routines that had slipped away and set an alarm to turn off the light!  (Hum, I need to put the light on a timer!  Instant dark!) Plus, NO NAPS! 

I am hopeful that more things will be done from here on!

Thanks for all your kind wishes!

P. S. triple digit heat today and tomorrow!  That's at least 39C.  Record breaking and entirely TOO HOT!

P. S. S.  Alaska got hit with a massive storm Saturday and Sunday-I know Janet is supposed to be on a cruise up there this month and I really hope she wasn't/isn't in harms way!

Monday, September 12, 2022

I Don't Wanna

Do much of anything!   

This has been going on for far too long but I can't seem to get my mojo back.

I did spend parts of three days working on my travel trailer/camper/caravan.  I would like to sell it but it seems that the more I do the more there is to do!  I get overwhelmed and take it back to storage.  

The trailer stuff and the I don't wanna mood combined with the anniversary of my husband's death (13 years now) and that of the 9/11 attacks (21 years-seems like only yesterday) left me rather down.

So, I was especially appreciative of the cold front that came in Saturday evening dropping the night time temps into the 50's (15C) and the day time into the 70's (21C)!

It came with wind and a Winter Blue Sky!

Those lovely fall temperatures are not yet here to stay but it is comfortable to be outside now.  Other signs of fall are creeping out, a few red leaves on my neighbor's tree, along with some orange and yellow appearing in the distance-a bit early this year.

Fall is my favorite time of the year!
Every year I feel like I come alive again when it arrives!