
Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Time evaporates

Quinn has declared the air conditioning vent to be HERS! She's sleeping while completely covering it!

I really don't know where the last bit of time has gone.
The dog days of Summer maybe named for the Dog Star but to me it always means hot weather.
So we had another week with Hot followed by a few days of COOL.  Cool enough that I needed a jacket at times!  I took advantage of the cool to finish the white border, and weed every thing.
Outside chores are over until fall.  I'll keep the gardens weeded and watered as needed.  I might even move some dirt.  That said, even though I wore a mask I spent two days sleeping off the exposure to pollen and mold.  I haven't been back in the studio for days but that will change this weekend.  Without outside chores I plan to the spend my time sewing or crafting.  Well, I will spend an hour a day in the garage. UGH! It must be done.
I hope everyone is well and not suffering with the weather.

Stitch on!



  1. Dear sweet Quinn, Hot weather and allergies are not fun so hope you feel better soon. Glad you’ve had some cool days. We finally got some rain here. Still cold though.

  2. Apart from a few odd days we have not had a hot summer thank goodness but it has been dry. A blessing in someways but not for the garden - it still looks lovely but that is due to our watering. Enjoy a stitchy weekend. xx

  3. I'm glad you've recovered from your allergen/mold attack. Happy stitching in your sewing studio!

  4. our temps have modulated a bit due to earth's rotation finally tilting to our benefit...not cool mind you, low 80s daytime, but at least nights are cool for sleeping...

  5. Don't you just hate it when chores get in the way of things we want to do? Our weather has been gorgeous but rain is on the way

  6. Quinn knows the best place to be!!
