
Saturday, July 13, 2024

No mowing

This bit of sweetness had a bad night and since she can't open the door I also had a bad night.
I did get up about 7:30 and while drinking my morning tea and attempting to stay awake I pondered the idea of cutting grass.  Instead, I nearly fell asleep at the table so I went and sat in my recliner to read and the next thing I knew it was 1:30 and too hot to consider mowing.  Since we are under a heat advisory until Monday night I guess it waits until next week.  I'm so upset, NOT.

In the studio I did the ironing, well most of it.  What little is left I'll finish tomorrow.

Another exciting day!  
It's odd but I have "Cabin Fever" more in the summer.  I mean everything is green and gorgeous and I wish to be outside.  Then I go outside to swing and it's like breathing hot water, the flies and mosquitos attack and I go back in!  At least in the winter it doesn't look all that appealing to go outside.

Tomorrow, I'm going to work at quilting a small quilt once I finish the ironing. Perhaps, I'll start a new hand stitching piece as well, hum.  Have to wait and see.



  1. Maybe you could get a goat to take care of the grass.

  2. It is hard to turn in the iron or oven in this heat wave. We sweat and sweat on the Rubicon trail last week. It is normal to get sluggish when it is hot even if we are sleeping well.

  3. The weather has to be just right to spend time outside. Not too hot. Not too cold. Sorry you both had a bad night but rest is the antidote.

  4. I love sitting outside on summer evenings, as long as there is a breeze. At least you are getting your ironing finished. Have fun starting the new hand work!

  5. But at least in summer you can look out and enjoy the sunshine but be inside and sew

  6. Boy, I understand the summer cabin fever thing. I am forever grateful for having air conditioning but HATE turning it on, thus, we don't turn it on till it's going to be 90 degrees. And still, I will sit on the porch and read anyway. We spend too much time with the house closed up to spend summer that way, too!
