
Wednesday, July 17, 2024

I know, I know I missed two days!

I did tell you not to hold your breath for the every day blog!

On Monday, Laundry Day!  A whole two loads!  I've found that if I stay in the studio (next door to the laundry room) I get the clothes moved around from the washer to the dryer and finished before 4pm.  Electric rates are higher between 4 and 8  (peak time) so mostly all I have on is the air conditioner and fans, and appliances that can't be shut off.  Well, I might nuke dinner.  While the laundry was sloshing and then whirring around I worked on the Bulletin boards.  Stapling down the last sheet of batting, until the stapler stopped working quarter way through the last one.  Then I sorted the threads for the cross stitch and counted spaces going up and across so that I know where to begin.  I'm not sure how it happened but after remaking the bed and folding clothes it was 11pm and I went to bed.  Unfortunately, not to sleep.  Then I did a really stupid thing-I was hot so I turned on the ceiling fan.  I really know better because I am always ill the next day.  And I was-headache, coughing, stopped up, and even had an ear ache!  I slept most of yesterday (without the ceiling fan) then went to bed at 9 and slept all night.   Jeez, how boring could this post be?

Today, was better though!   First off, it was MUCH cooler!  I got my kitchen and bathroom clean and mopped and feed the outside plants so I'll have pretty flowers.  Then I went down to work on the bulletin boards.  The stapler worked!  I have one with all the batting on, the fabric and ribbon on-just need to add the buttons and it will be ready to hang in the craft area.  The other two are ready for fabric, ribbon and buttons. 

Tomorrow, it's to be in the low 80's so I plan to MOW!  Before I can do that I have to change the blade and raise the bed to cut it long.  Still I should be able to get out and get it done before noon.

Will tomorrow be more exciting? I doubt it.


  1. Well that was a wobbly 48 hours or so but at least the laundry is done. Those hot nights are not fun. Glad you are getting some cooler weather. Looking forward to seeing your bulletin boards.

  2. Sorry you didn't feel well for a day, glad you're doing better now! I hope you get the yard mowed, that's on my list for today also. Happy stitching!

  3. so my question is this..........why do you use the dryer even in hot summer? Do you not have clothes lines??? I get it in winter.......but.....just curious.........
    not good you had a bad day.......won't make that mistake again for awhile........the outside plants will be loving you..........

  4. I enjoy reading about your daily lufe, so don't need to use the word "boring " to describe a post.
    Take care, Deana at
