
Friday, March 31, 2023

Day 10 Sydney!


First thing on my first day in Sydney, I went shopping.  I am not a big fan of shopping but I seriously needed some different clothes.  I found 5 shirts at the Westfield Center.  I think you could find anything from bargain brands to Dior, Calvin Klein etc.  Besides the shirts I bought two new charms for my pandora bracelet!  The Flag of Australia and a world globe.  I bit my lip and didn't buy the koala bear or kangaroo  charms. These are only available in Australia.

After finding some food I went back to my room on the 13th floor of the Marriot and took a nap!  Two hours latter I decided to walk down to the Quay (Key) Just to have a look around.
I came around a corner and there it was the Sydney Opera house! 

one of the most iconic architectural designs in the world!  I have many, many photos of the Opera house!
Just to prove I am actually there:

Then I wandered about all the shops around the Quay where I found the t-shirt I need for Scrub Stitching, some patches, and a coffee mug!

From my window Looking out on the buildings-the skyscrapers reminded me of the wood blocks my boys had.  Especially the one on the far left which looked like squares and triangles had just been added willy-nilly.  Right in the middle the while building is the Marriot where I stayed.  It's triangular which makes finding you room interesting!


  1. Been waiting for another post to see what you are up to. Love following your travels.

  2. Seven more sleeps and I'll be in Sydney! Safe travels.

  3. Oh, Gail--buy the charms!! LOL
    Will you regret that you didn't once you get home?
    How fun to see that spectacular opera house in person!
    The adventure continues--I am loving that I get to live this through you.

  4. Great picture of your and the Opera House. xx

  5. so pleased you got to the opera house..............enjoy your show there tomrorow night
