
Monday, February 8, 2021


I don't remember how I heard about this book but It was an enjoyable read.
I like books that explain people, how our brains work and how to adapt.
I'm an introvert so it was especially good to understand that my brain was wired for it before I was born!  The research that's covered is pretty amazing and quite interesting.
I think I may have to read it again in a few months.
Since people are divided between introvert and extrovert almost evenly everyone knows some.
I  recommend it highly!

For everyone who has been dropping by my last post--
It seems like you think I'm trying to do too much, 
maybe I am but I live alone and between being the introvert in Quiet and THE VIRUS I stay home biggest part of the time.  It doesn't take much to keep my house clean so I have HOURS and HOURS each day to somehow fill.  Having a direction keeps me from boredom!  And the eating that comes with it!  

Very cold here, we are told to expect two weeks of daytime single digits!  At least it will kill off some of the bugs next spring!



  1. The book sounds like an interesting read. I wonder if most quilters are introverts, as we enjoy sitting quietly and sewing?

  2. I think you might be on to something with the Quilter's being introverts. The Author did mention that many creative people-authors, artists, and even web designers-are introverts. I would put quilters in the artist category myself. It was interesting, although it took me a while as I had to stop and think about it which is why I need to read it again.

  3. It sounds like a good read. I will have to put it on my list.

    I never thought about the introvert associated with quilters thing. I just think we are happy in our quiet little environments. I do like people too though. I can certainly get too much of home alone time.
