
Saturday, February 6, 2021

I'm back-sort of

Surgery on Monday went just fine and I was home before lunch!  Not much pain, really just one sore spot which was oddly enough very far away from where one's gallbladder is.  I had some staggering about with light headedness for a couple of days after but on Thursday I graduated from my nightie and robe to Pj bottoms and a shirt or sweater.  I tried Jeans yesterday but that was a NO go.  I get tired quite easily so  I do a little then take back to the couch or recliner.  I think my couch is really an instrument of torture!  I'd like to replace it but I need to sit on them until I find one that "hugs" me, same with side chairs.

Winter is to arrive today and remain for this week!  It is currently 23F (-5C) the feels like temperature is quite a bit lower.  There is snow in the forecast, they are saying "measurable" whatever that means.  The serious cold is to hang around at least thru next week, this is what January is supposed to be!  It seems to me that the seasons are shifting.  The past few years Spring and summer have been later and the trend stays all year, Climate change I guess.

I feel enough better today that I made a short TO DO list.  I am going down to the Studio after this to do some hand work.  The rest of the fabric for Trail Mix came and I've washed it but it needs to dry, then be starched and ironed before I cut anymore.  Perhaps tomorrow.

February's Want To Do list:

It's a short month and I've already lost a week so it's a short list

Trail Mix-finish cutting and making all the blocks

Finish Flipflop at the Farm 2-sandwiching and quilting or tying

Add blocks to the Civil War Sampler-I'd like to do another row but anything will be progress

1 Christmas Item

Make progress or finish the small Cross-stitch piece.  I think I can finish it but progress will be fine

Read one Non-fiction book

Work on my Family History

Order seeds and/or plants for the gardens



  1. That is a short list? To me it appears you have lofty goals for the remainder of the month. But maybe that is because I don't make monthly goals. :)
    Glad your surgery went well and hope you continue to recuperate without complication.

  2. Oh man, rough week. I bet you are glad to be through the worst of it.
    PJs are always best anyway even on days when no surgery happens.
    HOpe you continue to improve quickly.

  3. Glad it all went well Gail and that you are recoving OK. Sounds like with the nasty weather you will have plenty of time to complete your goals for the week. Have fun. xx

  4. It's good to be on the mend and February is a good month to have ANY procedure, house bound as we are. that to-do list doesn't seem short to me! It looks like a whole year's worth! Take care and don't try to shovel this stuff

  5. Good to hear you are over your surgery and on the mend. PJ days sound good for the cold weather you are having. Look after yourself.

  6. glad your doing ok now.......make sure you don't over do it physically and let your body heal but sounds like there is not much you can do outdoors anyway........
    Good list and goodluck getting thru the cold patch......
    hugs and stay warm.......
