
Friday, May 19, 2023

Day 38--Another suitcase and a near panic attack

No pictures today,  this blogger is a slacker!

So, after breakfast I ordered an Uber to take me to the shopping district at Rundle Mall.  After all I did need to acquire another suitcase! Other shopping as well.

Found a suitcase in between the size of my roll-aboard and my big suitcase.  It isn't blue-darn it!  Also bought a pair of jeans as I still don't have enough clothes-I'm an idiot when it comes to packing!  Lots of snacky stuff to take home with me, a few souvenirs for me and for the "boys"at home, and a new tip for my walking stick as it slipped on tile floors etc without one.  Shopping finished I decided to head back to the hotel only to discover my phone was dead.  Without a phone I can't call an Uber, I have no idea where I am and have no clue where my hotel is! Okay, there was a clue--city centre--big help.  This whole trip I have carried my external power bank with me all the time but on this day I FORGOT IT!  I don't usually freak out about much but this was close.  I decided to have lunch.  Checked with a place that repaired phones to see if they charged them, NOPE.  I went back to the street and had a lightbulb moment when I remembered the APPLE store!  I went in fully intending to have to purchase another power bank, then the nicest thing happened.  A gentleman asked me if I needed help (what clued him in?  The old lady rolling around an empty suitcase with a panicked expression on her face?  Helpless American!)  Anyway, I held up my phone and said it's dead and I can't call an Uber without it.  He then led me over to a bank of phones, unplugged one and plugged my phone in!  I hung out for about 30 minutes until I had about 50% power and left grateful!  Kudos to the Adelaide Apple Store for having such lovely employees!

Speaking of that Uber.  When asked where I was from I asked if he knew where Kansas City was, (I've been surprised this whole trip by the number of people who do) He said Yes, he followed our football team!  I asked American football, Soccer or Rugby?  Turns out it was American Football and he was, like me, a Kansas City Chiefs fan!  Go Mahomes!

Did a little sorting out of what suitcase would hold what back at the hotel.  I'm tired of re-packing the suitcases every time I change locations!  I'm also just plain tired and I have to be up very early tomorrow for a trip to Kangaroo Island!


  1. I think I commented on both posts on your last post!! Woops!! Lots of Aussie follow US sports it seems, my sons both do too.

  2. lucky you got another suit case............LOL..........

  3. There are still some good people in this world and you found one, just when you needed him.

  4. Good hear from you, and glad you are home safe and sound. Perhaps I'll catch you on zoom saturday?? Wishing now I had travelled an hour to see you, drat the C!!
